Incredible Supermarkets in Italy – All You Need to Know (2023)

Are you in Italy, and finding it difficult to shop for groceries?  Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! In this guide, we will share with you everything you need to know about Supermarkets in Italy. The easiest way to shop for groceries is to visit a supermarket. With this guide, you will get to know different types of Italian supermarkets and some tips and tricks to shop for groceries from these Supermarkets.

Quick Takeaways

  • In Italy, you will find different types of Supermarkets.
  • You can shop for bread, milk, eggs, meat, fresh vegetables, and fruits from these supermarkets.
  • The Italian grocery stores are open from Monday to Saturday but are closed on Sundays.

However, if you want to comprehend more about Supermarkets in Italy, then you should read to the end.

Different Kinds of Supermarkets in Italy

Below is a list of different Supermarkets that you will get to see in Italy. Therefore, if you are planning to visit Italy soon, have a look at the these supermarkets.

Mini Markets

You can characterize the Mini market as a corner shop and convenience store. These stores usually have everything you require for your day-to-day needs. There would be nothing that you would not find at these stores. However, you may see a price difference from other stores. Here, prices may be higher than the prices at bigger stores. 

These stores will have basic food items, fresh dairy products, loaves of bread, cheese, toiletries, and meat. These markets are the smallest stores in Italy. You may also get to see some manned counters selling fresh products either dairy or cured meats.


Supermarkets in Italy - All You Need to Know About (2023)

These can either be small or big. However, if you see Italian Supermarkets established big, then you are wrong. In Italy, supermarkets can be well-established but it does not have to be big. You will find every food item, toiletries, dairy product, and a wide range of meats in supermercati. During the carnival in Italy in February, you will find delicious snacks and sweets in the supermarket.

Some of these markets are so well equipped with an endless range of products, while some of them stand small, still having all the products you would require. These supermarkets don’t have parking, therefore, you may have to struggle to park your car. These are always budget-friendly as you will find products that would not cost you more. However, you may find expensive products in these supermarkets due to more people visiting Italy in May.

You can find Supermarkets in Italy either in city centers or in residential areas. Smaller ones are located in the city centers while the major ones are in residential areas.


Grocers can be found everywhere in Italy. Also known as Alimentari, these are small stores that will provide you with ready-to-eat items and small meals. These are mini locally based stores that would offer you a comparatively less variety of items. The alimentari will look like a typical grocery shop setting. You will find loaves of bread, cheese, and olives. Other things you will find in Alimentari are cured meats, jams, and cleaning products. These items are widely available in Alimentari because they get these supplies directly from the local producers. Because people find fresh produce in these mini stores, these are extremely popular in the entire Italy. 


Also known as HyperMarkets, these are bigger than the usual Supermarkets. Ipermercati will have all the basic items you require for day-to-day existence like food, dairy products, cured meats, and toiletries. These are identical to Walmart and Target.  However, you will also find more groceries in supermarkets including household items and clothing. These supermarkets also have large parking which is the reason you will find them outside the town and city centers. However, these stores may cost you higher prices, as they will have products from well-known brands.

One thing about Ipermercati is that you never know what range of groceries you will find there. For example, if you visit a hypermarket, it will have different grocery supplies than the other hypermarket.


These are budget-friendly stores that are renowned in Italy. These stores do not have products from well-known brands, therefore you will be able to get budget-friendly products here. To spice up your shopping experience, these stores have theme weeks when you will find special groceries but only for a limited period of time. For instance,  these stores may have a Christmas theme and, therefore, will offer you a wide range of Christmas products that you can shop for. Other themes are live on New Year, Valentimes, and Easter.

Some popular Discount chains are Penny Market, Eurospin, and Lidl.

Popular supermarkets in Italy 

We have mentioned below some famous Supermarkets in Italy.

  1. Donald
  2. Pam
  3. Gruppo Selex
  4. Auchan
  5. Famila
  6. Coop
  7. Gruppo Vege
  8. Simply
  9. Esselunga
  10. Bannet
  11. Iper
  12. Craig
  13. Eurospin
  14. NutraSi
  15. Lidl
  16. Carrefour
  17. Eurospar
  18. Spar
  19. Despar
  20. Tigre

Where can you locate Italian supermarkets?

Supermarkets are available everywhere in Italy. However, there is a general rule behind it. Smaller ones will be in the city centers, and the bigger ones will be outside the city centers. If you are planning to visit a bigger Supermarket for a wide range of products, you would have to visit the outskirts of the town. 

Supplies in Supermarkets in Italy

If you are wondering what food and household items you can get in the Italian Supermarket, then you are in the right spot. We have mentioned below everything you will find in Italian Supermarkets.

Produce section

This section of Supermarkets in Italy has fresh food supplies such as fruits and vegetables. You will get a wide range of fruits and vegetables in the produce section. The products here are usually pre-packed or you will get them loose. visible at the entrance of every supermarket. However, if you don’t find it, you can ask the shop assistants for it.

Refrigerated Items

Supermarkets have a wide range of Refrigerated products such as a wide range of packed meats, packed cheese, different types of pasta, milk, and yogurt.

General Food Items

Supermarkets in Italy - All You Need to Know About (2023)

 As these have a wide range and variety, these items occupy most of the space in supermarkets. Biscuits, kinds of pasta, fruit juices, wheat flour, canned food items, snacks, sauces, and ready-to-eat items come under this section. These are widely available in every Supermarket so you don’t have to hustle to find the basic food items for you.

Gluten-Free Food

Every supermarket has a wide range of gluten-free food items so you don’t have to rush from one store to another to find them. These items include.


You will see a distinct section in supermarkets for toiletries. There will be an aisle where all the toiletries will be displayed. Toothpaste, toothbrush, soaps, detergent, deodorants, roll ons, sanitary towels, creams and wet wipes, are some items that you will find under this section.

Baby Section

Another section that you will find in the Supermarket is the Baby section. All the baby products will be arranged in a separate aisle for the customers. These items include diapers, baby powder, baby oil, baby soap, baby shampoo, baby wet wipes, and baby food items. You can reach any supermarket and can purchase the baby items you want.

Drinks Section

This section contains soft drinks as well as alcohol. You will get the finest wine in this section and the alcoholic drinks in this section. Soft drinks like carbonated soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages are also available in a wide range.

Manned Counter

All Supermarkets have a distinct counter where you will find all items like fresh loaves of bread, sliced meat, kinds of pasta, and eggs. If you are purchasing meat, then you will get fresh partitioned meat, and eggs are also fresh.

Grocery Items you will not find in Italian Supermarkets

Now as you know Italian supermarkets have every range of groceries that you require, you will rush to these markets every time you have to purchase something. These Supermarkets don’t have everything you need and you may have to rush to other stores for some items. For instance,  if you need medication, you must rush to the medical stores because you will not find even the basic medication in these supermarkets. You must reach your nearest medical store for all your medical needs. Also, some Supermarkets would not even offer you fresh meat and fish. Therefore you can either go to another supermarket or visit an Italian lake would be a good option for fishing if you need fresh fish. 

If you compare Italian supermarkets to the Supermarkets in the United States and the United Kingdom, you will find a comparatively less variety of food items which include ready-to-eat items and pre-made food items. 

Tips to buy fresh food items from Italian supermarkets.

If you assume that by shopping from the fresh food item aisle in the Italian Supermarket, you will get assistance from the store, then you are mistaken. As this section has the idea of self-service, you would have to help yourself. However, you need to keep in mind some rules before you shop from this section.

Supermarkets in Italy - All You Need to Know About (2023)

Always wear gloves.

While shopping for fresh produce in Italian supermarkets, you must always wear gloves provided to you. It is done so that people do not touch food items and contaminate them. 

Weighing your products

Another thing to keep in mind is to use a bag and weigh your eatables. Bags are easily available in the fresh food section so that you can add your food items to them. Also, you can easily access weighing scales to weigh your food. Before heading to the billing counter, make sure to weigh your items so that you don’t have to head back to weigh your fruits and vegetables. If you have loose items in your cart, they will be sent back.

Tips to shop for groceries from Italian Supermarkets

Is it the first time you are shopping in an Italian Supermarket? Then make sure to have a look at these tips which will help you and make your experience in these markets count.

Shop in the Morning

If you want fresh products including breads, meat, and dairy products, try to visit the supermarket in the morning. As they receive fresh products in the morning, it is ideal to shop at that time. As the day passes, the products will not remain fresh all day long.

Bring your shopping bags

Though all Italian supermarkets have free bags available, sometimes, there may be a shortage of bags or some small supermarkets don’t even provide you with shopping bags. While shopping bags may be available at some supermarkets at an additional cost. Therefore, you must keep a shopping bag handy so that you don’t have to pay extra for that bag. Also, this is beneficial for the environment to not use plastic shopping bags.

Keep coins handy

These supermarkets have the trolleys tacked to a place one after another. You have to use a coin to release one for you. But if you don’t wish to use a trolley, you can easily access the small baskets that are available without paying any cost for them. 

Name of foods in Italian Supermarkets

We have mentioned below some Italian names of foods.

  1. Latte– Milk
  2. Mele -Apples
  3. Pere– Pears
  4. Fragole– Strawberries
  5. Ananas – Pineapple
  6. Carote – Carrot
  7. Pampdori – Tomatoes
  8. Zucchine – Zucchini
  9. Pepperoni – Peppers 
  10. Cipolle – Onions
  11. Aglio – Garlic
  12. Tacchino – Turkey
  13. Senza Lattosio -Factose-free
  14. Surgelati -Frozen food
  15. Coriandolo -Coriander
  16. Frutta -Fruit
  17. Pollo – Chicken
  18. Senza Glutine – Gluten free
  19. Pompelmo – Grapefruit
  20. Macinato – Minced meat

How to buy from the Alimentari counter in Italian supermarkets.

Packaged breads, different varieties of cured meat, cheese, and many other items are available on the food counter in the Italian Supermarkets. For fresh baked and sliced items, you would have to check the Alimentari counter in the Supermarkets.

Generally, these counters have multiple machines and displays to let you know that it’s your turn. You will also find assistance at these corners that will help you to find what you want.

For instance, if you are at Alimentari to buy meat, you must know that the meat is measured in grams. You will ask the store assistant if you want prosciutto, and they will ask you about the quality. Suppose you want 500 grams of quantity, you will tell them and they will cut it for you. Some Italian units you can use while purchasing meats are Un etto ( 100 grams), Due etti (200 grams), Due Lettie mezzo (250 grams), Tre etti (300 grams), Quattro etti (400 grams), Mezzo chilo di (500 grams), Un chili do ( 1kg).

Useful Italian Phrases to use at Italian Supermarkets

Supermarkets in Italy - All You Need to Know About (2023)

Before going to shop for groceries from the supermarkets in Italy, have a look at some Italian Phrases that you can use while you shop.


This means Good Morning.


If you want to say Good Evening, you can use this phrase.

Per Favore

Per Favore is used to say Please


Instead of saying Thank You, say Grazie in Italian.


Used to say Yes.


This means Goodbye in English.

Working Hours for a Supermarket in Italy 

You will find Italian Supermarkets operating throughout the day. However, some supermarkets don’t work the same. The working hours of a supermarket depend on where they are located. If the Supermarket is located in the city, it will usually open early in the morning and operate till night. However, supermarkets in villages will open in the morning but will close in the evening. 

Some Supermarkets in the countryside will also wrap up for a lunch break for a few hours ( usually from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm). You need to shop for anything you will require on Sundays by Saturday evening because it is impossible to find a Supermarket that is open on Sunday.


Don’t assume grocery shopping in Italy is a tricky task. Italian Supermarkets are a walkthrough of Italian culture. You will find everything you need in these stores. Italian supermarkets are of different types depending upon their size and the products they have. You will find these supermarkets everywhere in Italy from the city center to villages and the countryside. You can visit these supermarkets anytime in the day, however, these supermarkets do not operate on Sundays. So you have to buy everything you want by Saturday evening.

We have also mentioned some tips that will help you to shop for groceries from these supermarkets. Above are some phrases that will help you to shop for groceries from Italian Supermarket if you are visiting them for the first time. In addition to this, we have mentioned Italian names of some foods that can help you while you shop at an Italian Supermarket. 


Which is the most popular supermarket in Italy?

Selex and Coop are the most renowned suoer market in Italy.

Which is the cheapest supermarket in Italy?

Lidl and Eurospin are the cheapest supermarkets in Italy.

Is shopping for groceries in Italy cheaper than in America?

Yes, groceries are relatively available at a cheaper price in Italy.


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